66acd000-77fe-1000-9115-d80258550e6d TASSURUS 3012 Tassurus is a classic arcade generation thriller, with 65,845 training levels. No split screen here, two players can play on the same screen at the same time. Two players can either stand by each others side to the end, or turn on each other and go for it. Challenging weapons portals allow you to earn upgraded weapons by competing in one of the many gauntlet arenas. www.laserdiscstudios.com. Laser Disc studio Shooter http://www.youtube.com/v/ucVPrIG65Nc&hl=en&fs=1& $1.00 Mon, 07 Jul 2014 00:00:00 GMT Mon, 04 Aug 2014 00:00:00 GMT http://marketplace.xbox.com/games/media/66acd000-77fe-1000-9115-d80258550e6d http://catalog.create.msdn.com/en-US/GameDetails.html?catalogEntryId=12676661-67bc-41ec-b637-6cf1ade2b2a6&type=2 2 0 0 HDTV 720p Players: 1 - 2